Sunday, August 29, 2010


Today at the zoo, Luis was running around with his friend Luka, mostly chasing 5 & 6 year old girls. He runs back to the table at some point and tells me that he is a police man and he and Luka are trying to round up those boys (and points to a group of kids). When I ask him, "And how is that going for you?", he responded, "Not so good".

Today, Luis was running around the house, showing Jules and I how quickly he could run. "Mommy, I'm FAST. I'm faster than a spa... spe... really fast bullet!"

On Friday, Luka was over for a play date (we're spending a lot of time with Luka these days). Both boys were in a time out of sorts for saying "stupid" - they had to get out of the little pool in the back yard, and sit at the picnic table. Once I had them settled on opposite benches, Luis says to Luka, "So, tell me a little about your day".

Last night, Luis was having a big tantrum at bedtime (mostly from being so tired after his 4-hour play date with Luka (see above). He was, as we say in this house, using his rude words and his rude voice and making bad choices about his behavior. When I called him on his behavior, he said to me, between big sobs and tears, "Mommy stop it! You are antagonizing me!" I had to turn my head away so as not to laugh where he could see me!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A different Way to Ask

Monday, Luis and I were at the zoo with his friend Luka, and my friend Lea Ann (Luka's mom). We ended up all sharing our lunches, kind of continuously grazing. It became clear very quickly that Luka had much more desirable things in his lunch.

Luis, ever the polite child, saddled up next to Lea Ann and said in his most charming voice: Miss Lea Ann, can you borrow me something from Luka's lunch?

(And she did. It scored him some Doritos.)