Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Starting the Moving Out Process

The movers were here today, packing up all that is going to India. All of Luis's furniture went, leaving the nursery to look very sad and lonely - with just a pack-n-play and the desk from the guest room that is doubling as a changing table & dresser. Tomorrow they load up our container and take it to Baltimore, where it will set sail for India (and take about 7 weeks to get there!).

Right now, the house looks surreal with boxes piled up in corners. But after boxes are gone, it will be harder. Already, I miss looking at all of my pictures... Posted by Picasa


Cara Terreri said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's finally happening!! You really are moving to India! I will miss seeing you in the US, but can't WAIT to see your new blog posts from Mumbai.

Unknown said...

The year has flown by! How is Luis adapting to his different surroundings?