Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Most Offensive Commercial I've Ever Seen

[Alternate Title: Why We are Leaving India]
The commercial opens showing a young woman, a five year old boy and an unseen infant (crying quietly in a make-shift bed/hammock). The mother is cooking chapattis over an open flame on what looks like a piece of steel mesh that is used in concrete slabs. The young boy is reading a book by firelight. The mother pushes the make-shift bed/hammock to sooth the fussing baby. Each time she reaches to turn the chapatti, she burns her hand.

After a few rounds of this, the five year old gets up and walks over to a pile of construction materials. [It is now clear that this is a family who lives on the street, near a construction site. Unfortunately, this is VERY common occurrence here.] The boy gets a piece of wiring and fashions it into tongs. He gives it to his mother with a wry smile. She turns it over in her hand a few times before realizing what it is. Then, she smiles sweetly at her son, who has resumed reading by fire light.

What is this commercial for? An NGO (non-government organization)? A not-for-profit group? No. It’s for a wire maker.

Their slogan? Wires that do not catch fire.

1 comment:

Dode said...

I want to write a comment, but this is worth a real conversation. I think you forget how much sexism and violence pervade American advertising.

For an interesting (and supposedly banned) advert from South Africa, see

and another interesting one