Sunday, May 11, 2008

Luis at the Big Table

1 comment:

Luis Hernán Rincón Rincón said...

Grandson who Raises Himself

Hardly two lengths of my extended hand
--an enormous height of forty centimeters—
go from the carpet to the table with coffee and magazines
in the house of Mumbai, on the Arabic sea.
And their parents tell me that Luis Tomas, my grandson
--who changed the planet eight months ago--
sleds on his stomach to get close to the table
and then surpasses that enormous height
by grabbing the table border with his smooth little hands
to help straighten up his body like it must be
and resting on his inexperienced feet.
Then he inspects with eyes and hands and mouth
the flat and quiet world crowded with strange objects
that watches him from the top of the table
with flash memories of others,
with coffee and magazines.

Luis Hernán Rincón-Rincón
Medellín, August of 2007.