Friday, April 30, 2010

Lil Horns: Team Photo

Luis's team, the Lil Horns. Luis is easy to spot, as he is the only kid who refused to wear his hat.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Boy and His Dog

I love, love, love this picture of Luis riding his tricycle and Ashley running along beside him. Ashley will never be Luis's dog (she will always be mine), but this image of the two of them allows me to pretend, for a moment that she is his dog, that they'll grow up together and go on adventures love each other. To me, there is something very quintessential about a boy and his dog.

And it reminds me a bit of the dog I had growing up, Pup Pup the Irish Setter. (Of course, Pup could not be trusted off-leash and thus would have never run beside me like this on my bike, but that's a minor detail.)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back in DC

Last Saturday afternoon, Luis and I boarded a plane to spend eight days back in the MD/DC/VA area - helping Mom get some projects done before her upcoming knee surgery, meeting the newest Rimicci, checking in on the house, and generally catching up with friends. It had been almost a year since our last visit.

Complicating matters was the fact that Diego was in DC the week before on business. We overlapped for a mere 15 hours, between when we flew in to BWI and he flew out of DCA. Sigh. The good news is that we were able to meet up at JuanFe's and RC's newly renovated condo in DC for brunch before Diego flew out. Luis loves loves loves his Uncles JF & RC, and this visit was no different. Luis had a great time exploring the new condo, trying on RC's snorkel & mask, playing with RC's extensive vintage car collection (think matchbox - but from the 60's and 70's), pretending to be a fireman, playing construction in their back yard (complete with traffic cones!) and generally loving and snuggling with them both.
Luis, RC and the snorkel

A mere sampling of the car collection

Fireman Luis, to the rescue!
Back at Bibi Croom & Grandpa Sandy's house, Luis enjoyed his usual activities: feeding the birds with Grandpa Sandy, sitting on the "tractor" (lawn mower), playing with toys that I played with as a child, reading stories, and cooking with Bibi.
Luis and Sandy feeding the birds

In addition, Mom bought Luis his own fireman costume, complete with jacket, helmet, badge, fire extinguisher and bullhorn. Apparently, the bullhorn takes batteries, but Luis will NEVER know that. The costume was a big hit with Luis (no big surprise!). Here, Luis poses with Mom and Sandy.

We spent two days in Northern Virginia, which was great. We stayed with Sarah and her family (always a treat). Luis enjoyed playing with both William (almost 7) and Matthew (3), and was fairly unimpressed with Baby Elinor (1 mo). While in that neck of the woods (Falls Church), we stopped in on my friends at HITT Contracting and admired their new building. While I was admiring how beautiful it was, Luis was appreciating that lots of people who work for a construction company have construction vehicle toys in their offices. We met up with Lopa for a visit and lunch and then swung by our house to check on it and the tenants. We had hoped to also see Aunt Midge (who turned out to be travelling) and Emily Poulin (who had a crazy work schedule), to no avail. Unfortunately, I didn't snap a single picture after the ones of Fireman Luis - not even on my camera phone. :(

The two nights we spent with Sarah were the 4th and 5th nights of our trip, and Luis was starting to miss the comforts and routines at home. The first night, he sat bolt up in bed at 1a (we were sharing a bed) and screamed out BACA!! It was the first time he'd asked about it on our trip. It took quite some time to quite him back down before he eventually fell back asleep. The second night, he again woke in the middle of the night and decided that he was going home. Right Now. He tried to take off his PJ's and get dressed, to put things back in our bag, saying that he was going to the airport to fly home. At 2a. The only way I could talk him down was to explain that the pilots and planes were all sleeping, and wouldn't wake up until the sun comes up tomorrow. Thankfully, he bought that version of the truth and we were able to get some sleep. Needless to say, from a restfulness perspective, it was a rough couple of days.

Jeanette came down from New York on Thursday night and stayed with us until Saturday. We hadn't seen her since August of last year when she and her boys came to Dallas. It was a super fun 36 hours, and I'm not sure who enjoyed Jeanette's company more, me or Luis.

In between all of these visits, Mom and I cleaned out almost every closet and dresser in house, making piles and piles of donation materials (which Sandy carted off to Good Will daily) and piles of trash. I think it was very satisfying to Mom to do so much decluttering. It was satisfying to me, and it wasn't even my stuff!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Baca Fairy

Once upon a time, I said that Luis would be out of diapers and rid of his baca (pacifier) by his third birthday. While Luis was, in fact, out of diapers several months before his third birthday, December 22, 2009 came and went with no sign of departure for the baca. My excuse is that there was just too much going on with pregnancy, family in town, the holidays, etc. But I just didn't do it.

As my pregnancy progressed, I began to feel more and more pressure to break Luis of his pacifier habit before we had another pacifier user in the house. Then, when we were at the dentist last month, he reinforced that it was time for the Baca to go. So I steeled my resolve to do it and made a plan. After talking to many friends about their experiences, we decided to go the Baca Fairy route. The Baca Fairy, for those of you who don't know, is a fairy who comes in the night, collects up all the Baca's from your house and gives them to new babies who need them and leaves a new toy as a way of saying "Thanks!" (for some people, the Baca Fairy magically turns all of those bacas into a new toy, no re-gifting involved).

The week before the big day, I started to talk it up to Luis, explaining that the Baca Fairy would come and take the bacas, and that she would bring a toy. We also talked about how the dentist had said that the bacas were hurting his teeth, and we'd look daily in the mirror to 'admire' the 1/8" gap between his top and bottom teeth when he smiled. Luis was clearly a little gun shy of this idea.

I picked the Thursday before spring break as the Big Day, mostly so that we could be (hopefully) totally Baca Free before returning to school, as I did not want his teachers to have to deal with any of his possible withdrawal issues. Unfortunately, said Thursday arrived just 3 days before Luis and I were scheduled to take a 8 day trip to the East Coast.

Luis had his last Baca sleep on Thursday at school. That night, at bedtime, I told Luis that the Baca Fairy had taken all the bacas while he was at school, and that she'd come back in the night with a toy. He seemed to buy that story. I was prepared for all kinds of hell at bed time - sadness, anger, confusion, but mostly a lot of tears. I made a point of not planning to do any work, or anything really productive that night, as I imagined lots and lots of trips to put Luis back into bed, to console him, etc. I was ready to fight this fight.

Except that Luis went to bed without a peep; didn't even come down once. The next day, at nap time, he asked if there were any bacas. When I reminded him that there weren't, he took it in stride and went straight to sleep. It's been two days now, and all seems to be going well. Luis has barely looked back at his Baca days. It helps, a lot, that he LOVES LOVES LOVES the present the Baca Fairy brought him - a "airport rescue fire truck" (which really just means a neon green fire truck). He's told me at least 25 times how much he loves it.

Now, I'm just a little worried that on our trip, without the baca OR the toy, that he won't be so hip to the idea...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Some Like it Hot

I have had a very hard time encouraging Luis to embrace the warmer weather with warmer-weather clothes. He insists on wearing his "tall pants" every day. And most days, he requires a long sleeved shirt as well. It didn't matter that it was in the 80's today, Luis was intent on this particular outfit. When asked about the temperature or about being hot, Luis replies, "It's OK Momma, I LIKE to be hot."

Sigh. Wonder where he gets his stubborn nature from???

Saturday, April 10, 2010

T-Ball: Opening Day!

We signed Luis up for T-ball this year, a team for 3 year olds, based in the neighborhood, that advertised no practices and Saturday morning games. It sounded ideal. Turns out that there were quite a few practices, many games on weekday evenings and not as in-the-neighborhood as we'd hoped, but it was still, pretty much, ideal.

The coach hosted a meeting at his house about a week before practices began. Luis was not at all psyched about the idea of t-ball, the coach, or the kids he saw at the meeting. He spent the whole 45 minutes climbing up on to either Diego or me, asking if it was time to go home yet. Going to the first practice brought out a similar attitude for him. But slowly, slowly he warmed up to it all.

On our way to the second practice, he told us, "I used to not like Coach or t-ball. But as it turns out, Coach is my friend." Whew! Glad Luis came to that realization on his own.

After a couple of weeks of practices, the kids on the team seemed to have learned how to hit the ball of the t-ball stand, how to run the bases (usually) in the proper order, and how to kick up big piles of dirt. Fielding the ball was pretty iffy, and usually ended up with several kids piled on top of each other. But they were having fun, and us adults enjoyed the show.

More fun than playing t-ball was scaling the fence.

Today was Opening Day. The league has teams with kids as young as Luis up to, I think, early teenagers. It was clearly with the older kids in mind that the schedule was made for the day: teams arrive at 8a, march in a "parade" at 8:45, Opening Ceremonies where all teams are introduced at 9a, and an hour break before the first game at 11:00a.
Trying to line the team up for the "march on" at opening day. Note the bucket of candy in the coaches hand.

Luis was not too keen on being left on the field with the team an the coaches while Diego and I went to join the spectators. There was much crying on his part and guilt on our parts. But in the end, Luis did march with his team (though he refused to where his hat) and participate in the events. Between the Opening Ceremonies and the first game, we took Luis out to breakfast. He promptly fell asleep in the car on the way back to the fields, at 11:30a. Sigh.
A little pre-game nap

The game itself was pretty hilarious. Much like practices, hitting and running the bases worked pretty well. Every kid gets to stay at bat until they hit a playable ball. Then, they advance one base, regardless of the fielding that is done. Then, each kid gets a turn at bat, regardless of the outs. It is definitely a fair process that lets each child get a turn. But also much like practices, the fielding of the ball was like watching the Three Stooges. Some kids ran after every ball, regardless of their position on the field or where the ball was hit. Some kids never noticed that a ball was in play, or that kids were running the bases.

Not sure what position Luis is (just to the left of the asst. coach in black pants), but at least for this moment, he was looking in the right direction.

Luis's first at-bat. Thank goodness for an exceptionally patient batting coach, Coach Thomas.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter Eggs

Easter is not a big holiday in our house, though I do have VERY fond memories of Easter in Norwell, with the Norris's (during my college years). They did it up right from the dying of eggs, great egg hunts, delicious feasts and as many friends and family as would make the journey. While it is the easter egg dying that I have tried to hold on to, it was the friends and family that I loved the most from those spring days.

Last year, we had Caleb and Bethany over to dye eggs and then have a hunt. Luis had a great time with they dying, but really didn't get the hunting part so well. This year, we were slow to get our act together, didn't invite anyone over, and actually didn't dye eggs until Easter evening after dinner. Whoops. But still, it was fun.

I wasn't really thinking the whole process through when I grabbed these shallow bowls. Lucky for us, Luis really like to move the eggs from bowl to bowl to bowl (to bowl), and to turn them constantly. So while few eggs were evenly colored any one given color, they were all fully dyed.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Unsupervised Marker Playtime

Luis was VERY proud of himself for this master piece!

(Incidentally, I think he looks a lot like his cousin Maggie in this photo.)