Monday, May 11, 2009

A trip back East

Luis, Diego and I went back to Annapolis on 4/25 for my grandmother's service.  Diego had to come back to Dallas on Monday night, but Luis and I stayed another week (until 5/3) to visit with friends and family.  Despite having a week in the greater DC area, it was a busy time and we only got to visit a fraction of the people we'd hoped to see.  

I was surprised at how much he remembered.  That he remembered feeding the birds at Mom's house, ice cream at the sushi place, who slept in which room at Midge's or where Sarah keeps her playdoh wasn't so unusual - they are all things he did (and loved) many, many times in the fall.  That he remembered that there are tanker trucks along a certain road between Dodie's house in Fairfax and our house in Falls Church was astounding to me (as we turned onto the road, a good mile before the fuel farm, Luis asked, "Momma, where tanker trucks?").  That after seeing a fox at mom's house on Sunday morning, Luis said, "I saw a fox at Solomon's house" in OCTOBER blew me away.  I guess he has his Granddaddy's memory.

Luis did amazingly well with the whole trip.  At one point, he slept (and napped) in five different beds in 3 days!  Despite all that was going on, Luis didn't miss a single nap - though many of them were several hours later than normal.  These days, he's only allowed to have his Baca (his pacifier) when he's in the bed.  By the end of our trip, he was carrying around his baca and blanket almost the entire day, he was so exhausted.

He definitely rallied when we got home on Sunday afternoon.  In the course of about two hours, he physically put his little hands on almost every toy he owns.  He was clearly glad to be home.  And on Monday, he took a 4-hour nap - something we both needed!!

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