Saturday, December 25, 2010

Florida: Saturday (Christmas)

On Christmas morning, Santa brought Luis a pair of fireman boots. He LOVES them. LOVES them. When he first saw them, he asked me if they were fireman boots. When I confirmed that they were, he nearly squealed with delight, "I've ALWAYS wanted a pair of fireman boots!!" (Though he'd never actually asked for any.)
Luis sporting the boots, and holding the stocking that Aunt Jules made for him

Luis's other big present was a concrete truck. Luis had asked Santa for one - several times. Santa listened.

Alejo's happiness seems to know no limit.

Though he can strike a more serious pose from time to time:

Luis wore his boots most of the day. He tried to wear them in the hot tub, without success.

Much concrete was made that afternoon, mostly by Luis. Franklin, Eston, Solly and Diego also helped out.

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