Sunday, January 09, 2011

Open House Day

Our rental house in Texas is back on the sales market, much to our chagrin. For the time being, we will stay here and hope that no one buys the house! Today, the owners had an Open House, to sort of welcome the house to the market. It was a miserable day weather-wise: very cold with a lot of rain. Regardless, Diego and I packed the boys up after lunch and headed out a local sports store. Turns out that Luis and Diego go there regularly as part of their out-of-the-house trips. Luis calls it "the indoor golf store".

We had two hours to kill, so we took our time perusing all the different sections, starting (of course) with the indoor golf. Not surprisingly, Diego has the best putting skills of the three of us. From there, we cruised through the winter sports section (a fairly small section here in Dallas!). Luis found this snowboard and it was love at first sight!
He cried a bit when we told him that we would not buy it for him!

Next, we moved on to the baseball section. Luis asked for one of almost everything and asked several times about when could he play baseball again? After two seasons of t-ball, I have learned that Luis likes the idea of t-ball much more than he likes actually playing. (As a result, I think we will sign him up for soccer this spring instead.)

In the end, it was in fact a skate board that we brought home with us. Stay tuned for photos of that!

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