Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Luis's Turn

(Photo not pertinent to story - but cute none the less)
It is Luis's natural tendency to come to our room, to my side of the bed, when he wakes in the night - whether it is 2a or 6a. Sometimes he wants to snuggle me (in my bed) and sometimes he wants me to snuggle him (in his bed). Sometimes he has "pee-peed in the bed" (though that hasn't happened in quite some time). But it's always my side. So on occasion, I tell Luis that tomorrow it's Mommy's turn to sleep in. This translates into: DO NOT wake me up in the morning. It took some getting used to, but he has figured it out - and most times, remembers in the morning and goes to Diego's side of the bed for his morning requests.

This morning, I was the first awake at 6a. I came downstairs to start the coffee, start the lunches and start the breakfasts, etc. I figured I had 15-30 minutes before Luis (or Alejo) woke up. The time ticked by and no one woke. I finished my morning work and still no one was woke up. It was glorious. I drank my cup of coffee in quiet.

Alejo woke up a little after 7a. And Luis came down about 7:30a. He peered around the corner, smiling from ear to ear, and said, "Today is MY morning to sleep in!!"


Jules said...

This is such a great story :D

Anonymous said...

Love it! Don't you wish we could have these more often!? -Sarah