Sunday, May 06, 2007

A couple more things...

Today was a great day for Luis. He picked up two new tricks. This afternoon, while we were video-conferencing with Diego (who is at a conference in Singapore), Luis starting blowing "raspberries". It was a funny thing because once he started, he just kept doing it and doing it and doing it. The newness of it was wonderful to us all - but I am especially happy that Luis did it for the first time while Diego was watching. For a moment, it didn't feel like Diego was 1/2 way around the world...

The second thing Luis did today was to laugh - and laugh and laugh and laugh. I was reading him a Peter Rabbit story. I got to a line about Black Currant bushes and Luis just started giggling. I re-read the paragraph and he giggled again. And I don't just mean a hee-hee-hee. It was full-on belly laugh. I kept repeating the line about black currant bushes and he kept laughing. This went on for about 10 minutes. I had time to call Jeanette so that she could here (a little birthday gift for her from Luis). Then we called my mom, who got to hear him. We still had time to call Diego - I decided it was worth him getting up at 3a to hear Luis laugh and laugh and laugh. Unfortunately D didn't answer and doesn't have voice mail. I'm not sure when Luis will see fit to laugh like that again, but I hope it's soon!!

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