Monday, May 07, 2007

The Exersaucer

After yesterday's post, several people asked what an exersaucer was. I found it very difficult to describe. Luis and I bought one this morning, so now I can use the following pictures to answer the question.

You can see there are TONS of toys on there - and every one of them makes noises and some of them light up. Makes me understand the prevalence of attention deficit disorder in kids today. After about 5 minutes, Luis started making his "overwhelmed" face and noises and I haven't even put batteries into the parts that take batteries.

I like that Luis has a place to hang out where he is not lying down (like the baby gym or the bouncy chair). It's fun to see him vertical. And according to friends, this toy has a long play-life. Many babies play in this until they learn to crawl!

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