Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Penultimate Day

Our apartment at 1:30 yesterday
(the lift eventually started working)

218kilos of Air Freight

When all of the toys are gone, you find new things to play with

*Most* of my luggage (crate, stroller and carry on bag not shown)
(alternately - a good ad for LL Bean)

The Sunnnnn ... has gonnnnne ... to bed and so must I-iiiiii...

1 comment:

Luis Hernán Rincón Rincón said...

Dear Mary: beyond things that are now gone or in line to go, your photos and words display plenty of poetry that I sense in between the joy of leaving back to dear places and the feeling of losing a short-lived home anchored far away from the homeland, in a nice, shiny and tall site located between the have-all and the have-not.

Welcome back to Occidente (to the western world)!