Thursday, November 26, 2009

Luis Teaches School

One day while Diego and I were playing with Luis at the playdoh table, he walked over to the chalkboard, picked up this stick and said, "So. First you start with your letters." I can only imagine that he is emulating his teacher, Miss Jill.

He then picked up a piece of chalk, made a squiggly line on the chalk board and asked if we knew what he'd drawn. Since Luis had told us that first we started with letters, Diego and I naturally guessed letter. Sometimes we were right, it was a 'J'. But sometimes it was a 'firetruck' or it was 'laughing'.

[This chalk board was left behind by the owners of our house, or more specifically by their daughters Audrey and Samantha.]

1 comment:

Jules said...

Liz and I used to do something similar. We would stand in front of the board, squiggle something and ask whichever adult was nearby if we had written something. They would squint and tell us : uhm . no.

So we would squiggle again. and ask. and erase. and draw. and ask. and erase.

It was FUN!