Saturday, February 28, 2009

Erika & Skylar - Thursday (Digger Park)

After lunch and naps, we headed over to Digger Park to expend the last bit of energy. With so much outside running around (and temperatures that were in the 80's), we had one tired group on our hands!

Erika & Skylar - Thursday (Zoo)

On Thursday, we headed out to the Dallas Zoo. I had been told that it's close by. Turns out, it's about 8 minutes away! It's hard to say how good the zoo; the only exhibits we really saw were the ones between the entrance and the Children's Zoo (a macaw named Charlie, the lemurs and the flamingos). We petted farm animals, fed birds, played on the jungle gym and in the sand box, put our hands in the meandering stream, climbed in a "spider web", crawled through a burrowing tunnel (well, Erika, Luis, and Skylar did that while I stayed back to take pictures), and looked at fish. [In anticipation of other visitors this spring, we got a family membership to the zoo - expect many more posts of zoo trips as we go back and explore more!]

Skylar holding one of the birds

This black bird alit on my backpack about five times; I thought he was going to try to sneak out with me!

Luis, Erika & Skylar looking up through the "burrowing tunnel" exhibit

Luis & Skylar at the park within the Children's Zoo

Luis & Skylar with their hands in the meandering stream

Erika gives Skylar a boost up to see the sheep

Skylar & Luis riding a wooden horse

Luis riding a kangaroo statue

Luis & me on the carousel

Skylar & Luis relaxing on the trunk of the car before heading home

Erika & Skylar Visit - Wednesday

Erika and Skylar - our good friends and partners-in-crime from Mumbai - came to visit for a couple of days (they are back in the US for a month of home leave). Skylar is 3 1/2, almost 2 years older than Luis. When we were in Mumbai together, the difference was staggering. Skylar could walk and talk and feed herself; all things that eluded Luis. Now, they seem much closer in age, and were much better playmates.

Erika and Skylar arrived Wednesday morning, while Luis was at school. It was, in fact nice, to be able to bring them home and get them settled in while Luis was out. In the afternoon, we all went out to the backyard to enjoy the beautiful weather we were having -blue skies and low 70's! It didn't take long for our New Friends across the street to join us - Miller (5), Bennet (3) and Campbell (1.5). I loved having so many kids over to play (as did Luis), but it was a bit dizzying to see so many little people running, climbing, swinging and playing ball.

Five kids and two adults

Bennet, Campbell and Luis on the fort as Miller heads down the slide

Skylar mastered the glider - no pushing needed!

Luis "helping" Campbell on the bike

Bennett and Miller on the glider

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Then & Now

Luis & the broom - March 2008

Luis & the broom - Feb. 2009

The Dentist

I took Luis to the dentist today - for his first checkup.  I was told that at this first appointment, the dentist will take a look at his teeth and check out his bite.  So, we talked about it for a couple of days before hand, to prep Luis.  We talked about how the dentist is a doctor for your teeth; that the dentist will look at Luis's teeth and may even put his fingers in Luis's mouth.  (But, Luis was not to bite the dentist.)  We practiced different ways to open his mouth to allow different views.  He was ready.

I was a bit surprised when we got to the office today and the hygenist cleaned his teeth with the same apparatus that she uses to clean my teeth.  Luis was a champ.  He didn't balk at the big chair, the bright light, the weird bib, the pointy thing or mirror in his mouth, the toothbrush or Mr. Thirsty (what the hygenist called the thing that sucks the salavia out of your mouth).  I sat on the floor and took it all in with amazement and pride.  Luis was great.
His reward was a new tooth brush, his own mask and a rubber frog - all well-deserved.

Sunday: Another Beautiful Day Outside

Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Cupcakes

On Friday, Luis and I made cupcakes.  On Saturday, Mommy iced them and Luis enjoyed one.  When he first saw the icing, he said "No thank you, Mommy".  When I explained that it was chocolate, he was willing to try.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Luis's New "Smile"

Sometime last week, Luis started using a "fake smile" when it's picture time. He squishes up his face and closes his eyes. Where did he learn this?


Luis has picked up a fascination with cupcakes. Not sure where it came from, but it's here. He's been asking for cupcakes all week, and each time, I've told him that we'd make some (I am continuing my effort to have Luis help me in the kitchen and be involved in the cooking). But I always forgot to follow through with actually MAKING them. Yesterday, Luis reminded me at a good time (i.e. not at dinner, not at bath time, not while at the gym or in the car) - so we made a batch. Luis did a great job pouring the sauce (oil & water) and cracking the huevos (eggs) and holding the mixer. But what he was especially good at was tasting the batter. Every 8 seconds. And it was good batter. I kept shooing him away from the batter - not because I disapprove of batter-tasting, but because I intended to give him the spoon when we were done.

Luis's Favorite Day of the Month

What, you ask, could cause such interest and devotion in Luis?
Why, TRUCKS, of course. Monday was Bulk Trash Pick Up day (a monthly occurrence). The city sends around a "crane truck" to pick up yard debris and other bulk trash from the curb and a dump truck to haul it off. For those of us who like trucks & big machines, it is quite a sight to behold. Last month, Luis and I sat on the side walked and watched the crane truck/dump truck duo for about 30 minutes. Luis then asked if we could follow it through the neighborhood to keep watching.

Ashley Gets her Zzz's & (Vitamin) D

New Friend - Caleb

Caleb & Luis playing "sawdust & trucks"
Our neighbors Kyle & Tim (who just moved in next door over the summer) recently introduced us to their former neighbor Bethany and her son Caleb. Bethany is an architect and Caleb is about 6 months older than Luis. Our first meeting, about 3 weeks ago, was dinner at a great local restaurant. The dinner got off to a bit of a tough start as the 2-year-olds laid claim to everything they could get their fingers on. One would have found it hard to believe that either of them knew any other phrase than "That's MINE". But as the evening (more like late afternoon) wore on, the boys really warmed up to each other. By the time we were ready to leave, they were sitting next to each other (on bench seats), feeding each other pizza and giggling. Certainly Luis enjoys being around other people a lot, but I'd never seen him this way with another child.

This week, Bethany and Caleb came over for a play date on Wednesday and we all had a great time. The boys played on the swing set, with the zip line (Caleb, a first-timer, was a natural), the saw dust pile, with the trucks, with the bubbles, with playdoh, and almost everything else they encountered. There were, admittedly, some rough moments. I "reminded" Luis that we don't take toys from other people, that we don't push other people, that we don't pinch other people, that he needs to use his words when he's angry and a few other things. But all in all, it was great. Luis has asked several times if when we can play with Caleb again. Soon, I hope.
(Of course, after spending 6 hours in school and then 3 hours with Caleb, Luis could barely move the next day. Instead of his normal two hour nap, I woke him up after 3 1/2 hours. Who knows how much longer he would have slept...)

Different Ways of Counting

There is a great story about when my brother was potty-training using "one much" toilet paper instead of "too much". I was thinking of this the other day when Luis - who typically asks to watch "little bit TV", instead asked if he could watch "too much tv .... peeeeeease".

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Zip Line - Part 2

Diego did a much better job of photographing Luis on the zip line
(click to enlarge)

Happy Valentines Day

Our neighbor Kyle brought Luis over a beautiful (and delicious) frosted sugar cookie on Valentine's day. Luis was very excited about having the cookie after lunch. When I asked him if I could have a bite, Luis said, "No, my cookie" and held it over his head like this:

I asked again; again no. A few minutes later, he offered Ashley a bite. Figures.

For dinner, Diego and I shared a yummy steak. Ashley's Valentine's Day treat was to have the bone from our steak. She L-O-V-E-D it.


This morning at the gym, Luis was playing with my trainer, Todd's phone. Usually, when he plays with a phone he calls either Bibi (Croom) or Daddy -- and usually he doesn't say anything, he just listens. But today, he was calling some unknown person and saying "Talk to you soon - call me right back".

Luis's Planer

Before Luis was born, Thomas gave him a planer. The gift was given in care of Diego and me - to keep safe until Luis could enjoy it himself. Diego used the planer to make the crib and glider chair, as well as a few other projects. Diego is working on a new piece of furniture (not anything for a nursery or kids room), and has the planer going again. This time, Luis is interested in participating and helping out. Diego is very careful to wear ear protection when using the (really) loud tools. He is equally good about making sure that Luis wears ear protection as well. Here are Luis and Diego working in the garage on Saturday.

Besides "assisting" with the planing, Luis loves loves loves to play trucks in the sawdust generated by the tools. He has taken his big set of tonka trucks, along with his shovels, buckets, and wagons over to the sawdust pile. We are planning to put a sandbox in under his new fort/swingset, but now I'm thinking we should just move the sawdust instead of buying sand.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Zip Line

When we finished building the swing set, we found a zip line in the shed of our house (presumably left by the previous owners). Diego set it up and Luis is warming up to the idea.
(it's difficult to both be the person to hoist Luis up AND take the picture)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another New Phrase

Luis has picked up a new catch phrase: Mommy, I can't wait. Most of the time, he isn't even waiting for anything. Today at the gym, he was extra tired and said, Mommy, I can't wait about 127 times. We were only there 50 minutes. When I ask him WHAT he can't wait for, he usually says, "Yeah" which is his default answer for any questions.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Rainbow of Bacas (Pacifiers)

Doesn't Everyone Have a Screwdriver Garden?

Into The Closet

About a week ago, Luis started going into the coat closet by the front door when he needed to poop. He would be in the middle of playing when he'd suddenly pop up, run to the closet and close the door behind him. A minute or two later, he'd emerge from the closet, again close the door behind him and return to play - with not a word about where he'd been or what he'd done. The aroma that followed him back from the closet was always a dead give away.

Tonight, Luis ate dinner early and was Playing Trucks while Diego and I ate. Luis comes over to the table and says "Go Closet". Diego asked him why he was going to the closet. "Go closet. Go poop in closet," replied Luis as he trotted off. About half way to the closet, he turned around, tilted his head to the side and added, "Be right back, Daddy".

What Luis is Learning at School

Last week at school, Luis picked up a new catch phrase: I don't like it. At first, he didn't really comprehend what it meant. He'd say, "Mommy, I don't like it", as he shovelled his lunch into his mouth. Or he'd say, "Mommy, I don't like it", as he played with his (beloved) trucks. I also noticed that he never named the thing he didn't like - it was always the mysterious "it". But now he's starting to get it as I don't like it is very often paired with take it away.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Welcome Aaron Eric Rauschenbach!!

I got a call this morning that last night Jeanette had her baby - Aaron Eric Rauschenback. He was born 1/31/09, just before midnight, weighing 7lbs 10oz (not sure on the ounces, but def. 7lbs). Everyone is healthy and doing well and recovering at Columbia.