Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Seasoned Traveller

This morning, Luis and I flew from Dallas to Charlotte (for a McDow Family "Thanksgiving in March"). After getting our boarding passes at the ticket counter and checking in Luis's car seat, we headed for the TSA line. Luis and I snaked our way through the empty line up to the table & bins. While I was pulling out my zip lock bag of liquids and folding up the stroller, I looked over to make sure Luis was OK. In fact, he had walked over to the stack of bins, pulled the top one off and set it on the floor. Then he sat himself down next to it to take his shoes off. After that, he lifted the bin up onto the table (that was actually taller than Luis).
Diego, who was watching from outside the screening area and I, were both amazed. Luis hasn't been on a plane (or through screening) since early December. I hadn't thought he'd remember all that. But clearly, he did. I just wish that I had a photo to capture the moment.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Construction Boy

Luis has known crane truck for several months, as well as crane (building crane).  He recently learned tower crane.  The other day at lunch, he made a tower crane with his spoon.


After 5 days of rain, all of the blooms are about to burst around here.  I love it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Being Creative

(thanks to Sarah for giving us these Dots)

Quotes from Luis

"I fix vacuum"

"I do my work"

Caleb Comes Again

Luis's friend, Caleb came over Friday morning for an ultra-early play date (Bethany, his mom, had a 7a meeting).  This is the 4th time that Luis and Caleb have played together.  And while there are definite moments of toy-hording and a few pushes, I am always a bit surprised to see how well they do together, and to see what appears to be true affection in their relationship.  

It was a fun morning, with only a few tears and one threat of time out (for Tu-Lease, as Caleb calls him).  Caleb stubbed his toe at one point and limped over to me, teary-eyed.  "Miss Mary (sniff, sniff), I ouchied my toe (sniff, sniff)."  I sat on the floor with him to inspect the damage and to give a hug.  At the same time, Luis came over, gave Caleb a hug and said, "I'm sorry you ouchie Caleb, I'm sorry you ouchie".  Caleb, who uses the potty instead of diapers, amazed Luis as he stood up  to "tee-tee" in the potty (the word for peeing at Caleb's house).  I really think that Luis now thinks you sit to Pee Pee in the potty and stand to Tee Tee in the potty.  (Luis's friendship with Caleb has really sparked Luis's interest in the potty!)

Caleb & Luis playing with our Elmo puzzle book

Caleb & Luis enjoying breakfast - dry cereal and mini-bagels with sour cream (Luis confused cream cheese and sour cream)

Luis & Caleb playing "trucks"

Rin-cycle Bin


What could inspire such curiosity for Luis?

The "Rin-cycle Bin", i.e. the Recycle Truck, which comes down the alley every other Monday.

Heather Visits

Last Saturday (3/7), Heather came out for a visit.  Her parents live about 90 minutes SE of here, so she could kill a couple of birds with one plane ticket.  As always, we had a great time with her here.  I am not sure if Luis remembers her (we last saw her in December, on our drive from MD-FL), but he definitely enjoyed her.

Saturday we hung around the house and cooked out for dinner.  My New Friend (as Luis calls everyone we know in Dallas) Leah came over for dinner and we had a great time.  Sunday we chilled around the house - playing outside in the beautiful weather, enjoying the swing set, went for a walk and just relaxed.  After naps, Luis and I drove Heather out to her parents house.  I didn't get all the details, but they live in a gated community - gated to keep in the several types of deer and the zebra!   Luis wasn't so psyched about the drive, and kept asking where we were going.  I told him we were going to Heather's parent's house.  He asked 100 times and I told him 100 times.  In the week since we were there, he's asked about a dozen times, "Heather at Parent's House?"  There was much fussing and a few tears on the way out.  Heather was a great sport at entertaining Luis, and even let him have a turn with her sunglasses.
 The drive, in the end, was well worth it as they had a HUGE yard with lake-front access.  They had a yard full of gumballs that could be thrown into the lake. And Heather taught Luis how to clean of his hands by rubbing them in the grass (he loved that idea).  Later, Heather's mom, Mary, took Luis and I out for a ride in the golf cart to try to espy some wild animals.  We saw two small herds of beautiful deer (or relatives of deer).  Mary was apologetic that it wasn't a better trip -- and invited us to come out anytime to try again.  I told her in Luis's mind, the trip couldn't have been any better:  he rode in a golf cart, he got to take turns pushing the gas pedal, he got to try steering, and he saw some goose poop close up.  Zebra, in fact, would have been less impressive than what he DID get to experience!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

It's "Water Games" Season (again)

More on Diego's Project

Diego is out in the garage today, working on the cabinet.  With the body of the cabinet done, he is now working on the doors.  They are a beautiful latice design.  Although we have many very nice power tools, there are still somethings that need to be done by hand.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Better than the spring season...

... is BAREFOOT season!  And it is upon us here in Dallas.

Diego's Creations

Diego has been working very hard at the airport these days, but he's also working hard at home.  He is building a new media center/cabinet for the house.  It will be beautiful when it's done (as are all of Diego's word working projects) - and in the mean time, it is providing sawdust by the bucket load for Luis to play in.

On Wednesday night, our friend Leah came over for dinner.  Diego made (yet another) delicious paella.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Funny Faces


Most of my friends on the East Coast - from Atlanta to NY - have been talking about snow this week.  While our temps were colder than they had been last week, it's still pretty nice weather here.  In fact, right now, it's 75 degrees in the shade at 2:45.  I did a quick walk around the house to capture some of the blooms that we have now.  They are beautiful (though I don't know the names of any of them)!  They make me excited about what is still to come, as this is just the very beginning of spring...

Unfortunately, I know what this is:

Sunday, March 01, 2009

A Gift from Shabina

Erika & Skylar - Saturday

Saturday was much, much cooler than the days before (with a high less than 50).  After homemade waffles and bacon for breakfast, we pretty much just hung around the house.  Erika packed up and the kids played outside.

The whole visit with Skylar and Erika was fantastic.  Luis and Skylar played great together - mostly sharing toys, books, markers, and bath time.  Skylar was a great role model for Luis, re-igniting his interest to "pee pee on the potty".  She also heated up his interest in coloring.  Each morning (and after nap), Luis would immediately ask, "What Skylar doooo-ing?  Go see Skylar.  Go play Skylar!"  He only wanted to be doing what she was doing.  And he often repeated whatever it was she had just said.  It was very sweet to watch.  And I enjoyed having Erika around.  Having not seen her for 10 months, it was so natural and relaxing to spend days together, playing with our kids, sharing gallons of coffee and reminiscing about our time in Bombay (and speculating about the future).

After naps, Luis and I took Erika & Skylar to the airport.  At the TSA line, we gave hugs and kisses all around and said goodbye.  I told Luis that we might not see them for a long time - that this was a different kind of goodbye.  Luis ran over to Erika and gave her another hug - a HUGE hug - and then another hug and another kiss.  I was very sad to put them on the plane to VA (their next stop).  When we were leaving the airport, I teared up a bit.  Luis asked, "Why Mommy sad?"  I told him it was because our friends were leaving and that I'd miss them very much.  Luis gave me a hug and kiss and said, "I'm sorry Mommy sad." 

The only picture of the four of us - Skylar, Erika, me and Luis - was taken just moments before they left.
Skylar & Luis - Luis is wearing the new kurta that Shabina (our old cook and now Erika's cook) sent for Luis.

Despite MUCH cooler temps, we still enjoyed playing on the swing set.

Skylar on the zip line.

Skylar was very sweet with and interested in Ashley; here she is throwing the Frisbee for her.

Erika & Skylar - Friday

Friday was a much quieter day for us.  Erika kept the kids while I went to the gym and then we did a Target run in the morning.  After lunch/naps, we walked over to another local park.  

The only pictures we have from Friday are these - of Skylar "reading" Cecily G to Luis.  It's a book he knows pretty well (about Curious George and his family visiting Cecily G - short for Giraffe) - but one that Skylar doesn't know at all.  This fact didn't slow her down one bit as she made up a story to go with the pictures.

It didn't take Luis long to figure out that Skylar had a different version.  He kept turning back the pages to get the version he was used to hearing.