Friday, January 22, 2010

Luis Visits the Fire Station

Very often, when we are at Walmart, Luis and I see firemen shopping. Luis ALWAYS wants to say hello to them, and they are very accommodating to Luis, chatting with him, answering his questions. Luis, of late, has been refusing to wear socks with his Froggy/Fireman Boots. He claims that "fireman don't wear socks with their fire boots". So when we saw a fireman in the parking lot this morning, I decided to try to get to the bottom of this debate.

Luckily for me, the fireman confirmed that they do, in fact, wear socks with their boots, to keep their feet safe from the fire. Additionally, he invited Luis to come to the fire house for a visit anytime. So later that day, after nap, we took him up on the offer.

Fireman Jesse graciously agreed to give us a tour of the fire house. We started with the Engine truck, seeing the different gear and equipment they kept on the truck, what it was used for, etc. After approximately four minutes, Luis asked me, very politely, if we could go home. I was pretty embarrassed. We stuck around for the whole tour and saw lots of interesting things. Luis got to try on some boots, hold the axe, climb into the truck, play with the flash lights, and see where they ate and slept. And about every four minutes, he asked again, very politely, if we could go home. Sigh. Luis was able to impress Fireman Jesse with all of the knowledge he'd gleaned from Fireman Sam and this Fireman DVD.

Big shoes to fill

Fireman Jesse shows lets Luis have a turn with the axe

This was as high as he could lift the axe - it had about 20lbs on Luis

(It was a complete coincidence that Luis was wearing his "Hero in Training" fireman shirt the day we visited the fire station.)

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