Saturday, January 06, 2007

Two Weeks

Luis was 2 weeks old yesterday, and is doing great. At our pediatrician appointment on Thursday, Luis was 8lb, 3oz - four ounces over birth weight (his first real milestone). It is great that he's gaining weight for several reasons - but our favorite is that we don't have to wake him in the night for feedings anymore. And he can sleep for 3-4 hours at a stretch at night; meaning that Diego and I can sleep for 3-4 hour stretches!

Both Ashley and Muffles are adjusting to life with Luis. Muffles decided early on that even with Luis on your lap, there is still plenty of room for her. And, in this picture, it looks like Luis agrees.
Diego and I vie for who gets to burp Luis after a feeding - as it often melds into a great cuddle with Luis. At lunch today, Diego won.

I couldn't resist this last picture - as it shows the big "milk lip" that Luis gets after a bottle feeding (Diego feeds Luis with a bottle once each day - a great time for me to rest and for the boys to bond).

(And lest anyone be concerned that we are irresponsible parents, dressing Luis in short sleeves and pants on the 6th of January, it's about 75 degrees here today.)

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