Monday, November 05, 2007

Our Weekend in Goa - Postcard Views

This was the view up the beach from in front of our hotel. It looked like a hundred postcards I've seen - beautiful. Goa was a great get-a-way in the sense that it was quiet and peaceful and beautiful and relaxing, with lots of ways to enjoy being outside. Mumbai is lots of things, but it is none of these things.

But this weekend was a bit challenging on other fronts. Luis, who had a great time - while he was awake - had a TERRIBLE time sleeping. Two nights, we ended up bringing him in to bed with us after he'd been crying for more than an hour in the night (this was the first two times we've brought Luis in to bed with us in the night). Naps weren't any better. I think it was a combination of being in a new place, teething, and the onset of a cold. Whatever it was exactly, it meant that we were all overtired most of the time.

Then, Diego got pretty sick with a nasty head/chest cold. He was coughing and sneezing and aching and sweating out fevers. The lack of sleep that Luis imposed on us only exacerbated Diego's feeling bad.

One thing that was exciting (at least for me) was that Luis ate almost exclusively off the restaurant menu and buffet, instead of the pureed foods that he normally eats. I definitely broke the rule of thumb of waiting 3-4 days after introducing a new food before introducing another new food (in case there is an allergic reaction). Luis was introduced to tomato sauce, chicken patty (kind of like ground chicken & onion on a hamburger roll), kiwi, cantaloupe, hummus, pita bread, chicken noodle soup and french fries. All of them were a hit! And while his poop was a bit more, er, colorful than normal, he didn't seem to have an adverse reaction to anything!

Oh, and this hotel had actual baby sitters - not just a watch man. We had a very nice lady come and stay with Luis three of the nights we were there (including the wedding). She kept referring to Luis as "she" and "her". I sort of thought it was a language thing, as I referred to Luis as "him" and "his". The last night she was there, she had to change his diaper. When I got back to the room, she said, "I thought she was a girl. But I changed the diaper tonight and was surprised. I guess he's a boy?"


Jules said...

hehe. probably thought he was a Louise :P

JF said...

He really looks like his father in that high chair picture...