Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Luis!!

Just a few pictures of Luis on his birthday - before I head to bed. I'm mostly over the jet-lag, but still get tired early.

We had a nice day today - celebrating Luis's birthday as a family in Annapolis. Unfortunately, Mom & Sandy were in CA. But JuanFe and RC came out to celebrate - sing Happy Birthday & Feliz Cumpleanos, eat cake and open presents.

Tomorrow, I'll try to post the other pictures I have: a few from Mumbai, from our trip back to the States, here in Annapolis and more of his birthday.


Jules said...

He looks so curly haired! And quite handsome in that turtleneck and cords!

Happy B Day Luis Tomas!

Luis Hernán Rincón Rincón said...

One year only and what many changes!
Happy Birthay Luis Tomás and many years of health and love. Luis Hernán and Mercedes.