Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Terreris Visit

This weekend, our friend Jason, Cara, Evan (2 years) and Grant (2 months) came for a visit. Jason, like Diego is an FIT grad. We met them when we were all living up in Virigina. Now, they live in Peachtree City, GA. (You can check them out at their blog, In The Moment).

The Terreri's fit right in to our hectic schedule of playing at the beach, playing in the pool, and playing in the front yard with chalk, bubbles an the baby pool. Jason and Diego also got in two rounds of golf.

Evan and Luis had a good time together. Luis really seems to enjoy having other kids around. Evan didn't seem sure what to do with all of Luis's affection. Luis would walk up to Evan and hug him while Evan was in the middle of doing something. Once, when Luis was hugging Evan, Evan said, "Be careful." Turns out it was good advice as they both fell over shortly there after.

Despite only being 2 months old and having few parlor tricks, Grant was a BIG hit. Luis must have said "Baby" a thousand times over the weekend. It was the first thing he asked about when he woke up and the last thing he wanted to see before bed. He gave Grant hundreds of hugs and kisses. Yesterday, Luis even stated his love for Grant.

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