Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Friend - Caleb

Caleb & Luis playing "sawdust & trucks"
Our neighbors Kyle & Tim (who just moved in next door over the summer) recently introduced us to their former neighbor Bethany and her son Caleb. Bethany is an architect and Caleb is about 6 months older than Luis. Our first meeting, about 3 weeks ago, was dinner at a great local restaurant. The dinner got off to a bit of a tough start as the 2-year-olds laid claim to everything they could get their fingers on. One would have found it hard to believe that either of them knew any other phrase than "That's MINE". But as the evening (more like late afternoon) wore on, the boys really warmed up to each other. By the time we were ready to leave, they were sitting next to each other (on bench seats), feeding each other pizza and giggling. Certainly Luis enjoys being around other people a lot, but I'd never seen him this way with another child.

This week, Bethany and Caleb came over for a play date on Wednesday and we all had a great time. The boys played on the swing set, with the zip line (Caleb, a first-timer, was a natural), the saw dust pile, with the trucks, with the bubbles, with playdoh, and almost everything else they encountered. There were, admittedly, some rough moments. I "reminded" Luis that we don't take toys from other people, that we don't push other people, that we don't pinch other people, that he needs to use his words when he's angry and a few other things. But all in all, it was great. Luis has asked several times if when we can play with Caleb again. Soon, I hope.
(Of course, after spending 6 hours in school and then 3 hours with Caleb, Luis could barely move the next day. Instead of his normal two hour nap, I woke him up after 3 1/2 hours. Who knows how much longer he would have slept...)

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