Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rimicci's Come to Dallas - And Go to the Zoo

Sarah, William (5 3/4) and Matthew (2) arrived Wednesday morning from DC.  Luis was in school, so the Rimicci's used the middle part of the day to settle in, get acclimated and have naps.  In the afternoon, we played out in the back yard.

Thursday, we headed out to the zoo in the morning.  It was a beautiful day and the zoo was a big hit with everyone.  While we saw giraffe, elephants, and flamingos in the "regular zoo", it was the attractions in the "children's zoo" that were the real draw for us (the same as when Skylar and Erika were visiting) - the petting zoo, the horse ride, the playground & meandering stream, and the farm animals.

Matthew & Luis looking in the fish pond

Luckily, all 3 car seats fit into my car!

These great elephant statues are in the parking lot at the zoo

Matthew doesn't "mug" for the camera - a rare *camera captured* smile

The boys watching the flamingos

Matthew & Luis L-O-V-E-D the sandbox!

"It's LAMBY!!!"

Quack Quack Quack

Will took his shows off to REALLY enjoy the meandering stream

Luis dipping his hands into the meandering stream.  He wanted to dip his whole self!

Will enjoyed the pony ride

Luis enjoyed the pony ride - but Lucy's horse rides are MUCH better

Will in front of his favorite animal

A second smile for the camera

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time we had! The boys both still talk about the zoo: Will wants to go play in the water and Matt asks about the elephant.

Who knew Dallas had so many wonderful things to offer!? We can't wait to come back.