Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rimicci's Come to Dallas - And Go to the Science Museum

On Friday, we rounded up the troops and went to the Science Museum.  Overall, it was fantastic - a great museum with lots and lots of hands-on exhibits, as well as a great children's museum section.  Unfortunately, about 200+ kids who were slated to attend an outdoor Earth Day event were re-directed to the Science Museum because of torrential downpours.  Needless to say, it was very crowded.

Matthew and Luis loved the firetruck exhibit - complete with fireman's hats to wear and a slide to slide down.

Matthew and Luis also loved the water exhibit.  Surprisingly, they left it mostly dry.

The "Farm" exhibit was a bit hit all around - cool tractors to sit on, tricycles to ride, plants to harvest, and animals to look at.

There was a great archeology exhibit, which included large "dig sites".   Matthew & Luis saw it as a great indoor sandbox.

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