Monday, October 19, 2009

Gingerbread Men

Mom gave Luis a book this summer about a Gingerbread Boy - which he really likes. While she was hear visiting, she and Luis made Gingerbread Boys (and Gingerbread Girls). It was a two day process - making the dough on Friday and the actual cookies on Saturday. Luis really enjoyed both phases, mixing all of the ingredients for the dough (and cracking the juevos) AND rolling out the dough & using the cookie cutters. Last year, Mom gave Luis a Luis-sized rolling pin. Thus far, Luis has only had occasion to use it on his playdoh. I think he enjoyed using it for cooking, alongside Bibi who was using a regular-sized one.

Using the actual cutters - on dough rolled out to about 1/4" thick - turned out to be a bit difficult for Luis. He pretty much abdicated that part to mom. But he then spent quite a bit of time "rolling smooth" and then "cutting out" gingerbread boys from the floor on the counter.

The finished product were very yummy - just like in the book. They finished them before lunch time, and he had two right away (and then was mysteriously uninterested in lunch). However, I think that Luis has forgotten about them, as he hasn't asked for any more since Saturday.

1 comment:

Jules said...

ooooh. Do you think he'd be up to decorating a gingerbread house? although I´m not very experienced in the gingerbread-making part :)