Friday, February 05, 2010

It's PUZZLE Time!

For Christmas, Liz gave Luis this big, cool, road-construction-themed floor puzzle. It's been a little over a month since he got it, and Luis has probably put it together 30 times. Usually, he likes to do it back to back before putting it away.

Luis is pretty good at solving the puzzle. Though to be honest, his technique drives me a bit batty. In each puzzle that we own, there is a particular part of the scene that is his "favorite". So when solving a puzzle, he finds all the pieces that go with his favorite part and put those together. Then he picks another section of the puzzle and puts those pieces together. This continues until he has the puzzle mostly solved, but in several big chunks. Then he puts it all together. No matter how much I encourage, he refuses to adopt the "edge pieces first to establish the frame of the puzzle" technique. Sigh. Wonder where he gets that stubbornness from??

Here is Luis sitting on top of the completed puzzle - quite proud of himself.

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