Sunday, February 14, 2010


I arrived back from South Carolina after part two of my big case, late, late, late on Wednesday night. I had vague recollections of hearing about the potential for snow, but didn't really make much of it. Until we woke up Thursday morning to snow everywhere! Big, beautiful, puffy snow that had already covered everything in a light dusting. Luis was so surprised to see that I had mysteriously shown up in bed in the morning (having arrived late in the night), that he didn't notice the snow at first.

I was both thrilled by the snow (I love love love snow) and heartbroken that school might be cancelled. I had just worked 50+ hours in four days on a very tense and nerve-wracking trial. I was e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d, and really needed Luis to be entertained/watched by other people for 6 hours. After breakfast, Luis put his Froggy Boots and Big Jacket on over his PJ's and went outside with Diego to help D clean off his car for work. Luis LOVED the snow.
This was the scene at about 9:3oa

Luis traipsing around the backyard.

After Diego left, I went out with Luis into the backyard for a bit of a play. He stomped around for about an hour - "cleaning" the snow off all the patio furniture, sweeping the walk between the house and guest house, making snow angels and such. He tried to use his little plastic lawn mower, but the snow turned out to be too thick for that.
Luis loved picking up big chunks of snow (and wearing my gloves)

Luis "lawn-mowering" in the snow

Cleaning off the outdoor furniture

Much to my surprise (and delight), school was open when we got there about 10a (an hour late). Luis's teacher had gotten special permission to take the kids out to one of the grassy areas on the church grounds to play in the snow. They spent about an hour outside playing, and even built a snowman.
The snowman they built at school, several hours after they had finished. A snowman only a parent could love!

The snow continued in a pretty, leisurely way all day. In the end, I think we got between 8-10". After school, I changed Luis into another outfit (without anything that was either water proof or water resistant, we went through a lot of clothes that day) and we went back out to play. Our neighbors and dogs were out, so we played in the snow with them. Luis would get really, really wet - but never complained about the coldness OR the wetness. I finally made him go back inside just about the time that Diego made it home from work. Diego was up for more snow play, so we changed Luis's clothes one more time and sent him back out. They took Ashley with them and traipsed around the neighborhood soon. (Diego's got some great Flip video, which I hope to one day post!)

Loving the snow!

Ashley loved the snow too - it was as if she felt like a puppy again (though she certainly was sore after the snow playing!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and uncommon event and program there! I remember Diego in Ames.