Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Did I mention that Luis likes to read the Wall Street Journal?

Today at school, Luis's class was discussing things that float and sink. When the teacher held up a plastic boat and asked Luis if it would float or sink, he said, "Float! Just like the oil in the ocean."

Along the same lines, when I turned the TV on this morning, Good Morning America was on and Matt Lauer was interviewing President Obama. Luis immediately said, "Look Momma, it's Barack Obama!" I commended him on this. Then after listening a minute to the interview, Luis asked, "Is he talking about the oil?"

(On a humorous note, Luis says 'oil' like a real East-Texan would - oeeeeel.)

1 comment:

Luis Hernán Rincón Rincón said...

Kids grow intellectualy so fast! Later on they outgrow the success of their parents and that is the sweetest reward for years and help, support and guidance.

I know ot that!

Luis, keep on discerning!