Sunday, September 05, 2010

A Sweet, Sweet Evening

Tonight, Alejo joined Luis and I for Luis's going to bed routine. Luis re-arranged us all so that both he and Alejo could see the book. Occasionally, he would lovingly reach over and give Alejo a little pat. When stories were over, we had the following conversation:

Luis: Mommy, can Alejo have a sleep over with me tonight?

Me: Not tonight. When he gets older we can.

Luis: Please Mommy? He can sleep with me and if he cries, I'll make him feel better.

Me: That's very sweet, but not tonight.

Luis: OK. If he cries, I'll come get you and you can give him some milk and then he'll feel better. OK?

Me: Not tonight sweetie.

The very next conversation:

Luis: When Alejo gets bigger and becomes my big brother, will we have another baby?

Me: What do you think?

Luis: YES! And this time, let's have a little sister.

Me: Do you like babies?

Luis: Yes!!

[Note: Any comments that re-ask the question about more babies will be deleted.]


Lauren said...

I just received some baby clothes I could loan to you. ;-)

Mercedes said...

Estos momentos y estos diálogos no se pueden olvidar, Besos, Mercedes

Mercedes said...

Lindo diálogo, buen hijo y buenos padres