Sunday, January 14, 2007

Luis at 3 Weeks

I'm trying to get a full-body shot of Luis each weekend, to document his growth. Seeing him every day, I feel that I don't necessarily appreciate all of the ways in which he is growing and changing. Diego and I HAVE both noticed that he has a much more focused gaze. Where as he used to just sort of stare off into space, now he will really look at things - our faces, mostly.
Luis continues to sleep well, generally sleeping 3-5 hours at a stretch. And Diego and I continue to be grateful. We discovered that he's fond of the pacifier, mostly at bedtime.
Ashley is really warming up to Luis. She likes to sneak up on him, while he's nursing, and lick his head. Here, she got him while he was snoozing on the boppy pillow.


Anonymous said...

So, cute!!! Of course my favorite pics are the ones with Ashley or Muffles. I never realized what a lap hog Muffles was. Luis is growing like a weed. It is amazing!!

Unknown said...

I can't see pics on the last 3 entries, and I really wanted to see Ash licking his head :D