Saturday, February 24, 2007


Luis and I returned yesterday from a 4-day trip to Atlanta. I was very careful to remember my digital camera -- but not so careful about remembering the battery. Thus, there are only a few pics that Randolph & Lauren took and shared.

Luis was a great traveller; sleeping almost the entire trip down AND back. He woke mid-flight for a little food, and then back to sleep. It was wonderful!! In Atlanta, we visited with Jason, Cara and Evan Terreri ( before heading up to Randolph's house. The main point of the trip was for Grandfather to meet Luis. Unfortunately, Grandfather had the stomach flu while we were there, so our visit was cut short a bit. I took a picture with my phone of us and Grandfather. If I can figure out how to get it from my phone to the blog, I'll post it.

We spent two nights with Randolph and Lauren (who do not have kids). Luis did a wonderful job as their guest. Lauren did not hear him cry once!!

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