Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Luis at Two Months

Luis had his two-month check up today. His stats are: weight 12lbs 6oz (75th percentile), height 24" (85th percentile) and head circumference was 40th percentile. The baby vet (I have a hard time remembering pediatrician) declared him healthy and happy and developing well. He got his first round of vaccines - four shots in the thighs. I do have to say that he was a much better sport about these than Diego was about HIS vaccines earlier this month! :)

Luis is smiling and cooing many times throughout the day (not just in the mornings). He has longer stretches of being awake in the day -- and longer stretches of being asleep at night. Luis looks more intently at people and toys and follows movement with his eyes. I like that he'll hold onto my hand or shirt while he's nursing. And on occasion, when I have him snuggled up over my shoulder and I'm patting his back, he'll pat MY back. In general, he continues to be a delightful child!!

(I posted all of the the good recent photos yesterday and thus have none for today. I'll try to get one or two tomorrow.)

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