Tuesday, June 24, 2008


"Bub-ba" is Luis's word for almost all things water related. It started with bubbles in the tub. Then it was the tub, the water in the tub, taking a bath, etc. When we got here, the pool was lumped under the general category of bub-ba. Then, there are bubbles that you blow. While I would think it a bit confusing that bubbles are also the things that you can blow with the soap-water and a wand, Luis didn't mind adding another definition to bub-ba. Luis really enjoys blowing bubbles. So much so, that we spend a little time everyday in the front yard blowing bubbles. Inspired by some cool bubble paraphanalia that my mom has, I bought this thing that makes really, really big bub-bas. Here, you can see Luis chasing after one (it's just to the left and a little above his head).

Though an exciting development for Luis happened on Friday. We went over to Steve & Marianne's house. Luis got out into their back yard and said "Poo". Which means pool. He sometimes still calls the pool "bub-ba" but mostly it's poo. Pretty cool, we think.


Unknown said...

Those are some BIG bubbles. lucky lucky

todd said...

I love this picture!