Friday, June 20, 2008

A Few Pics from Florida

1. Luis in the pool

2. Ashley, just out of the pool, kissing Luis
3. Our house
4. & 5. Luis enjoys the sunrise


Cara Terreri said...

Those are great pictures... we can't WAIT to join you!

Unknown said...

oh, awesome! And of course, WALKING on the beach, the HUGE pool and family can't be beat.

Address? Maybe a quick hop up there for a visit wouldn't be a bad thing.

Luis Hernán Rincón Rincón said...

Beautful! Surely you featured tropical sea with latin flavor. The missing element is Diego.

Jules said...

how cool, sand he can dig his toes into, and ocean that can safely spray his face :)

and the pool, with his own little floating cabana... does it have a cup holder hiding somewhere?