Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dogs Dogs Dogs

We drove from Atlanta to Rock Hill - to spend a couple of days with Thomas and Lucy. And their dogs. Under "normal" circumstances, they have four dogs - Dora the beagle mix, Stretch the border collie mix, Maddie the black lab (mix?) and Oliver (Boliver Mutt) the chocolate lab (mix?). But while we were there, Lucy was temporarily keeping a dog - described by the vet as a "golden retriever mix" - until a rescue group could take it on Saturday. And with Ashley there, it made for 6 dogs in the house. It was a lot of dogs!

Luis LOVED the dogs. Maddie and Oliver LOVED Luis - he was just the right height to lick.
Oliver, Maddie, and Ashley moving through the kitchen. Felt a bit like Sharks in a tank.

Diego and the "golden retriever mix". We all thought it was more likely a Chow. But I guess Golden Retrievers are easier to place as rescue dogs.
Me and Maddie.

Dog Door?

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