Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Breakfast - And Other Adventures in Cooking

Luis is taking an interest in what happens in the kitchen - often asking to bring the step stool over to see what I'm doing. "Bring stool. Look too?" I think part of it is that the counters are so high in this house (42" high) that he can't see what's going on from the ground. I tend to encourage his interest because I've read that kids tend to be better eaters (i.e. eating a wider range of foods) when they help in the kitchen. I also like the idea of raising a boy who can cook.
This morning, we were making Freedom Toast - one of our favorites. Here is Luis stirring the vanilla and the cinnamon into the huevos (eggs). Last night, Luis helped me make the chicken enchilada casserole we had for dinner.

1 comment:

JF said...

Please tell me you really call it Freedom Toast with the necessary irony... :-)