Sunday, April 05, 2009

Peruvian Chicken, Sort Of

Early in our relationship, Diego introduced me to Peruvian Chicken and yucca.  In turn, over the years, I have introduced Peruvian Chicken (and yucca) to most of my friends in VA and those who came to visit.  There is rotisserie chicken and then there is Peruvian Chicken.  It is mmmm, mmmm, mmmm good.  And there is NO Peruvian Chicken in Dallas.  We've looked around, we've searched the Internet, we followed directions to several stores that turned out to be closed.  Next to Trader Joes, this may be what we miss the most (besides, of course, our good friends and family!).  

On Friday, Diego bought a new grill for us AND got the rotisserie chicken attachment.  He also found a recipe on the Internet for Peruvian Chicken.  Saturday afternoon, he marinated the chicken for many hours and then fired up the grill.  The result was beautiful!

And, it was delicious.  By far, the best chicken I've had off the grill at home.  But, unfortunately, it wasn't the Peruvian Chicken we were hoping for.  So we'll keep looking for recipes and testing them out -- and enjoying the trial runs while we do.

1 comment:

Jules said...

My friends here grew up watching satellite tv from Perú (The Perubólica) and they always joke that Peruvian's lives revolve around chickens and polladas.

But man, they just don't get that you haven't tasted chicken until you've tasted peruvian chicken.


ps: ask liz if she has a recipe for pollo a la brasa, she has the peruvian recipe book