Saturday, August 08, 2009

The Master of Disaster - The Sequel?

There is a story about me that Sandy loves to share. I was about 6 or so and was home with him on a Saturday when everyone else was away. I was playing outside and fell down a few steps in the back yard. I came into the house, crying and bleeding. Sandy got me patched up and calmed down. The next thing out of my mouth was a plea to go back outside. He relented, and let me go. I'm not sure that more than 30 minutes passed before I was back inside - bleeding & crying - having fallen down exactly the same steps. One of many stories backing up his nickname for me: The Master of Disaster.

Last week, Luis was out playing with his new dump truck. He was running down the sidewalk, pushing the truck in front of him, when he lost his balanced and fell. He got a nice big scrape on his knee. It was just about healed when, on Thursday, he fell inside on carpet, and scraped it all raw again. Friday, he was running around inside the house and skidded on the hardwood floor, and managed to scrape it raw again.

After this last scrape, Luis was really upset. He wanted Diego, who was at work. So we did the best we could, and called him. Through sobbing tears, Luis plainly told Diego that he was running around and fell and hurt his knee again. Then he told Diego that he was crying and sad. Finally, he asked Diego to come home. NOW. It was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. I imagine it was much harder for Diego who was stuck at work for 5 more hours...

1 comment:

Jules said...

ow ow ow. scrapes hurt. scrapes on the same place over and over again hurt more. Hope he's feeling better!