Saturday, August 01, 2009

The New (Outdoor Only) Dump Truck

Luis has been to three birthday parties in the last 6 weeks. At all three, he watched the birthday boy receive this dump truck. And each time, Luis was awed by the greatness of the big, plastic dump truck. So this week, I went to Target and got him his own. [It's apparently the end of the "season" so it was discounted. They don't realize that dump trucks don't go out of "season" for 2 1/2 year old boys!]
He spent 20 minutes yesterday morning picking up sticks in the front yard, loading them into the dump truck and then finding the perfect dump site (the front walk). He then ran up and down the front walk, driveway and sidewalk, pushing the dump truck. This toy is a HIT!


Cara Terreri said...

We have the same dumptruck from Target! I wish Evan still played with it as much. When Luis tires of loading and unloading, we can teach him how to turn it into a ride on toy.

todd said...

You may have just sold another one.