Sunday, July 18, 2010

Two Weeks Later - Luis's SISTER Arrives

As part of a last minute plan, our very good friends from Seattle, David, Erika & Skylar, came for a short visit right after Mom and Sandy departed (see these other posts for visits with the Stader-Tulls). David had a meeting at Love Field (with Diego!) and Erika & Skylar came along as well. They arrived in time for breakfast on Friday morning, and left so early Sunday morning that we all said our goodbyes the night before (I think it was a 6a flight out!). In between, we had a great, great time.

Erika taking a turn holding Alejo

Luis has long referred to Skylar as his sister. (In fact, when I was about 36 weeks pregnant, Luis was talking about her at school, asking his teachers if they knew he had a sister. They thought that I had gone into labor early AND had a girl - what would have been two big surprises.) While sitting outside, waiting for them to arrive on Friday morning, Luis stretched the family analogy to add that Erika is my sister and David is Diego's brother. While not technically correct, I would definitely call the Stader-Tulls family!

In two short days, we read books, did art projects, swam in the pool, had naps, went to a birthday party for Caleb (Luis's friend), ran around the house, took turns holding Alejo (even Skylar and Luis got in on this), talked, shopped, played golf (the men), and generally enjoyed each other.
Luis loving on his "sister"
Skylar sometimes didn't love it as much as Luis did

Luis also spent a large amount of time "pinching" people with his "clippers" (his souvenir from his trip to the Science Museum with Bibi & Grandpa Sandy).
Luis in his super hero costume with the "clippers"

Skylar is going to be a big sister to a little brother in mid-November, as Erika is pregnant. I think that David & Erika were pleased for Skylar to get a little "practice" with a newborn to get a sense of what they are like, how teensy they are, and that they don't really "do" anything. Alejo, for his part, was very willing to be held by everyone, and hardly made a peep the whole time they were here.
Skylar showing off her baby-holding skills

The second night, Luis somehow convinced David & Diego (who were doing the bedtime routine) that he and Skylar should be allowed to go to sleep in our bed. It had something to do with the fact that Skylar would be leaving so early in the morning - but I missed the details. I was highly, highly skeptical of the situation, but wanted to back up Diego who had already said yes. Quite shockingly, they went straight to sleep with nary a peep from either of them. Very shocking!
Luis and Skylar zonked out on Saturday night.

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