Saturday, March 24, 2007


Thursday marked Luis's three month ... birthday? anniversary? He is doing great - growing and growing. He's officially out of his 0-3 month clothes. He has one outfit left, but it's a little tight when he stretches all the way out. I weighed him on our scale at home and he's 14lbs, +/- 1/2 lb!

He continues to grab at things - toys, clothes, my hair - and now actually stops to LOOK at what is in his hand. His head and neck control are great. Luis often holds up his head to look around when I'm holding him. While still not a fan of tummy time, he is getting the benefit of the exercises.

By far his best trick is still his smile. When I go into his room to get him up from a nap, he is beaming from ear to ear, his eyes light up and he wriggles his whole body. It's a joy to behold. A couple of times, when he's had his legs stretched out, he's rocked a little to the side, like he might want to roll over, and then the moment is gone.

Diego was home for almost two weeks. It was so great to have him home. He spent loads of time with Luis and me. It was fun to watch Diego and Luis get to know each other. They played all of Luis's favorite games - sky diver, baby gym, smiling, cooing, and snuggling. Diego gave Luis his bath almost every night (a treat for everyone).

Unfortunately, Diego got to experience Luis's less-happy side. One evening, we took turns holding Luis as he cried hysterically for more than an hour (yes, I concede that Luis isn't perfect). Luis eventually settled down, but we'll never know why he was so upset. Another evening, Luis was extremely fussy after his bath - a time when he is usually his most peaceful. Diego tried everything in the bag of tricks to settle him down, but no luck. About 30 minutes later, Luis projectile-vomitted his entire dinner, and then fell straight to sleep. It was a mess - I had to change my entire outfit, including my socks!! Just when I think I know Luis, he reminds me that there is still some mystery!!

One of Luis's new tricks is sticking out his tongue. I have no idea why he does it, or when he'll do it next - but it's really fun to watch.

And my last Luis-Fact of the day: He is into a bedtime routine. (For those of you who know me, you may or may not know that I'm a BIG fan of routine!!) Starting about 5:30 or 6:00, Luis has dinner, plays for a small bit, takes a bath & puts on PJs, gets a snuggle and then goes to bed. Most nights he's in the crib and asleep by 7p. He'll then sleep until ~ 4a, when he wakes to feed. It's then back to bed until about 7a when he's up again. It's glorious. I put myself to bed by 10p, giving me 6 hours of straight sleep, with another 2 hours of snooze. The daytime sleep is not quite so organized, but I cannot complain. I'll take good night sleep over good day sleep anytime!!

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