Sunday, July 08, 2007

Almost as Good as Crawling

Luis spends most of his waking moments eating or trying to crawl. Eating doesn't really take that much time. It frustrates him greatly that he can't get the motion part of crawling - he is an expert at getting up to his knees and then rocking back and forth. In fact, now he likes to rise up to hands and knees and then lift one hand in the air.

Last night he had a big victory. In the tub, he was laying on his stomach playing with toys when suddenly, he pushed himself up to a sitting position. Today, he could not replicate the move on the carpet. But tonight, he did it again in the tub! This picture was taken just after he sat up. I find it very exciting!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Sitting up... That IS exciting. He'll be mobile before you know it...