Sunday, July 22, 2007


This weekend, Luis and I met Thomas in Chicago and then drove to Monterey, Indiana to visit Thomas's Aunt Alice & Uncle Clip. Though Indiana sounds a bit like India, Monterey couldn't be more different than Mumbai. A total of 300 people live in Monterey. Diego quotes 19,000,000 live in Mumbai.

We had a great time meeting Alice's children, seeing their farms, visiting Fred (the horse), eating lots of home grown vegetables (and all home-cooked meals) and just relaxing. Luis also enjoyed being in motion. He can definitely crawl now; though it requires the right kind of lure.

Luis was a great traveler and a great guest. With his big smile and happy disposition, he charmed the pants off of almost everyone. It was a delight to watch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does he have any thoughts on air travel?