Monday, October 29, 2007

My Sun Baby

The last week or so, the temperatures at night and in the early morning are cool and breezy. It's been wonderful. In the mornings, I open up all of the windows and the patio door to the balcony. I leave everything open as long as I can (i.e. until it gets hot or sticky or both). Some days I close up at 9a and some days not until after lunch.
Ashley likes to go out on the balcony and take little cat (dog?) naps in the sun. She doesn't stay out to long. I'm not sure if she gets hot or just gets curious about we're doing inside.
(You can also see in this picture that we have a bunch of plants on the balcony. They came with the apartment - and they do so much to make the balcony feel inviting and homey.)

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