Saturday, August 30, 2008

Great Dad Day

Today was a spectacular day with the family. We did indoor and outdoor play in the morning. Luis played with pay-oh (playdoh), pin-pin (pen), bahh (ball) and bwoom (broom). Outside, Luis explored the back yard, walking along the low brick wall as if it were a balance beam, investigating different size leaves and branches, throwing the stick for Ashley and just running around. We also took Ashley for a long walk.

After lunch (and a nap), Luis and I helped Diego assemble some furniture for our new bar. Diego was so patient with Luis and found many ways to let Luis actually help.

Reading the directions

Luis was great with the socket wrench:

Luis is a Dewalt man -like his father and his grandfather (and his mom is a Dewalt woman):

Finished project (though not final placement):

After we finished construction, we went out to our FAVORITE sushi place for dinner. Luis chowed down - as did his parents. It seems like he eats more food at the Sushi Place than he's eaten the previous 3 days combined. The Sushi Lady rigged up a pair of chopsticks that Luis could use them to pick up the marinated soy beans (that he loves loves loves). A few times, he actually got a bean into his mouth using the chop sticks. It's hard to say who was more delighted - Luis, Diego and I, or Sushi Lady. Luis is proving braver than me - he ate some raw tuna from Diego's sushi. He also enjoyed the ginger salad, the miso soup, and the little plate of picked vegetables that come as an appetizer. Not surprising was how much he loved the bowl of vanilla ice cream that Sushi Lady brings him every time.

When we got home, it was bedtime. Luis had a quick bath and then snuggled up on the couch with Diego to watch a few minutes of foo-bah (football). What a wonderful day for Diego and Luis!

1 comment:

Jules said...

The bar looks awesome :) I can't wait to see it in its final destination spot. And the Luis at the Sushi Hut story? AMAZING. He must be the cutest thing north of panama (and south of it too).