Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Great Moment

Yesterday, Luis and I were playing down in the basement. I was folding laundry, when Luis called out "Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy". I turned around to see this:
It's the first stack of blocks I've seen him build. I realize it's a normal developmental stage that ALL babies go through. But for some reason, I was really, really excited about this. I can't explain why, but my heart jumped. I high-fived Luis and gave him a big hug and cheered (an activity he particularly enjoys). While Luis indulged my celebration, he clearly didn't think this was such a big deal. But I did. Still do.


Dode said...

By the way, "umde" does not spell anything, but it is clear that Luis is trying to write "uncle." No doubt because of his recent visit to our house.

DR said...

i thought it said "good doctors are stacked evenly"

todd said...

Clearly Luis was trying to express the formula for mass-energy equivalence, but was missing the blocks for c and 2. E = md+ is not bad for a toddler.