Tuesday, October 14, 2008

You Tell Me

Does this look a kid who, only 20 minutes after this picture was taken would crawl up onto my bed with a spray bottle of Clorox Cleanup and douse BOTH of the hand-made Indian quilts I had on my bed?


Mary Lynn Weatherly said...

I've never had luck using dye on bleached spots, but I have had great results bleaching everything else to match the bleached spot.

Jules said...

Ouch. OUCH. those lovelies from Khala Raksha? I'd invest in a fabric dying kit and would sit in front of it with a paintbrush, trying to get it to more or less match :(

and no. I´m sure it was luis' doppleganger who did it. This kid in the sink looks unable to perform such a dismal deed.

Lauren said...

Oh nooooo! He is too cute and loving to have done that. I don't believe you.

Sorry about that! I hope you can work out a solution that salvages the material.