Thursday, December 11, 2008

Moving In

Luis and I arrived in Dallas on Sunday afternoon and our moving truck arrived on Monday morning. Since then, we've been unpacking and doing our best to settle in before our early morning flight back to DC tomorrow morning. The good news is that I've unpacked every box in the house (except 7). But to be completely honest, I haven't found a permanent home for everything yet. (The small print would note that their are boxes in the studio AND in the garage that are not unpacked.) And the other good news is that through Craig's List, I've also given away all of our boxes, paper, and packing peanuts (free to good home).

Luis's Bed (When we come back after Christmas, we are not setting up the crib)
Luis's Toys
More Luis's Toys
Luis's Tent
The Dining Room - With the new paint color
Library - Think we need more books
Library - With the rocking chair that used to belong to my grandmother (Whitfield)

The Kitchen - Unpacked but not put away

The Kitchen - Where I'm sitting writing this post

The Kitchen - Our plates & bowls are in a drawer - will take some getting used to...


Jules said...

Luis is probably living in the room I dreamed about as a child. A bookcase right beside the bed in a gnome like setup where you can cuddle up and read until who knows what time? A cubby hole with a top secret tent-hideaway? built in bookcases for all the toys and books? . I´m jealous.

The house is looking lovely!!! As for the empty bookcases, you could also place artwork in some areas, potted plants, and spread the books out to take over the space and keep it from looking like you need to raid the closest bookstore just to fill up space :P

Marie, Mamma's Cooking said...

The house looks great! Where are you guys going for Christmas? Tim, Karina and I will be in Atlanta from the 22nd - 28th.