Friday, May 22, 2009

The Zoo, with Caleb

Bethany, Caleb, Luis and I went to the zoo this morning -- and it was another great trip.  We got there when it opened, and bee-lined to the kid's zoo (after, of course, riding the carousel).  We were the very first kids there; the first kids to play in the sand box, the first kids to climb, the first kids to splash/swim in the meandering stream.  Bethany was smart enough to bring a bathing suit for Caleb.  Lucky for Luis (and me), the zoo gives away Lil Swimmers (while supplies last).

Luis and Caleb climb up on the fence to get a better look at the donkey in the next pin.

Once we were finished playing, it was time to see some animals.  We walked up and saw the tiger, the otters, the giraffes, the elephant and ended up with the penguins.  Penguins have become Luis's favorite animal lately.  It started out with a "dancing" and singing penguin Luis received after Christmas.   Then, Diego taught Luis to walk like the penguins.  For Easter, Mom sent March of the Penguins (both the book & the DVD).  So it was the perfect way to end our trip.

Caleb's kiss for Bethany was completely spontaneous, and Caleb's idea

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