Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cookie Decorating

Over the holidays, we have made an obscene amount of sweets. To put it in perspective, we went through almost ten pounds of flour. We made from scratch: gingerbread men, sugar cookies, cinnamon rolls, bunuelos, arepas, waffles, and other goodies. And by "we" I mean mostly Jules with much help from Liz.

Jules, JF, Luis and Liz work on decorating the cookies. Luis found that he preferred to be the colorist - mixing the icing colors.

Both of them are wonderful bakers - but I was much more touched by how inclusive and patient they were with Luis. Luis helped with every step of the process from cracking the juevos to using the mixer to coloring the icing to decorating. And, of course, he helped with the eating. I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I'd hoped to and find that I only really have pictures of the sugar cookies that were made the other day.

A whole tray of beautiful, sugary goodness!

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