Sunday, March 21, 2010

Luis & Diego's New Pet

After the hit that Chester was, it may be a little surprising that Luis's new pet lives in a fish tank, not in wood chips. Yesterday evening, Diego and Luis went out for a late afternoon adventure, and came back with all the makings for a fish tank (minus the fish).

To say that Luis was over the moon would be an understatement. He was so excited he could barely get the words out. Diego and Luis spent close to an hour getting the tank ready. First, they washed the gravel off.
Next they carefully added it to the fish tank (spilling only a very small amount - I was impressed!).

Next, they "planted" the plastic plants in the gravel and added the properly treated water. I really liked how Diego allowed Luis to help with every step (not always easy in fish tank set up!) and explained to him why each step was necessary. Luis LOVED being able to help his Daddy to this important job.

The (nearly) final product. The tank is all set up with gravel, plants, treated water, filter and light. In a couple of days, we'll get the fish to go with it. Luis is so excited with what he has now, it almost seems like the fish themselves are superfluous! Added bonus, the fish tank is the new night light in Luis's room.

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